
What is Product Qualified Lead (PQL) & Why is it Important?

If you are running a SaaS business, then you should forget about MQL and SQL.

Yes, you heard that correctly. There is a new kid in town, and that’s PQL.

PQL, or Product Qualified Lead strategy, is a growth-driven, highly focused approach that increases the lead conversion probability by several times.

In this article, we will explain the concept of PQL in the simplest terms and discuss why marketers should focus on them. Let’s begin.

What is a Product Qualified Lead (PQL)?

A Product Qualified Lead is a user who has demonstrated a strong interest in a product or service by actively engaging with it or using it in some capacity. It can be either using your product during a free trial or using the free version under freemium model.

Unlike MQLs, which primarily focus on marketing interactions, and SQLs, which are typically passed on by marketing to sales for closure, PQLs are specifically identified based on their product usage and behavior.

Characteristics of PQLs

1. Product Engagement

PQLs exhibit a high level of engagement with a specific product or service. They have gone beyond mere interest and have actively interacted with the product, exploring its features and potentially deriving value from it.

2. Key Behavioral Indicators

PQLs display specific behaviors that signal their readiness to advance in the sales process. These behaviors can include extensive product usage, frequent interactions with support materials or knowledge bases, engagement with advanced features, or a substantial number of sessions within the product.

3. Contextual Fit

PQLs not only show product engagement but also possess characteristics that align with the ideal customer profile. They demonstrate the potential for long-term value and have a higher likelihood of becoming successful and satisfied customers.

4. Pain Points and Challenges

PQLs often have specific pain points or challenges that the product or service can address effectively. They have identified a need or problem that the product can solve, making them more likely to convert into paying customers.

5. Self-Identification

PQLs may actively express their interest in exploring further solutions or upgrades within the product. They may seek additional information or demonstrate intent to purchase, indicating a higher level of commitment.

6. Scalability

PQLs have the potential to scale. Identifying commonalities and patterns among PQLs can help businesses streamline their lead generation efforts, target similar prospects, and drive growth.

Understanding the definition and characteristics of PQLs enables businesses to refine their lead qualification processes and focus their efforts on prospects with a higher probability of conversion.

By identifying PQLs, companies can tailor their sales and marketing strategies to nurture these leads effectively, increase conversion rates, and optimize their overall sales funnel.

In the following sections, we will explore the importance of PQLs in the marketing and sales journey and discuss strategies for leveraging their potential for business success.

The Value of Product Qualified Lead

The Value of Product Qualified Lead

Product Qualified Leads (PQLs) bring a range of significant benefits to businesses that prioritize their identification and nurturing. Let’s explore the key advantages and understand why PQLs hold a crucial role in driving growth and success.

1. Higher Conversion Rates and Sales Velocity

One of the primary values of PQLs lies in their higher conversion rates compared to other lead categories.

Since PQLs have already engaged with the product and demonstrated an interest in its features, they are more likely to convert into paying customers.

Their prior experience with the product reduces friction in the sales process, resulting in shorter sales cycles and increased sales velocity.

2. Improved Alignment Between Marketing and Sales Teams

PQLs bridge the gap between marketing and sales teams, fostering better collaboration and alignment.

Marketing teams can collaborate closely with product teams to define the key indicators and behaviors that qualify leads as PQLs.

This collaboration ensures that the marketing efforts are targeted toward attracting and engaging prospects who are genuinely interested in the product.

With a shared understanding of PQLs, marketing and sales teams can work together seamlessly, providing a cohesive customer experience from the initial product interaction to the final purchase.

3. Enhanced Customer Experience and Satisfaction

PQLs have already interacted with the product and demonstrated an understanding of its value proposition.

This knowledge allows businesses to provide targeted support, relevant content, and proactive assistance, thereby enhancing the customer experience.

By meeting the specific needs and challenges of PQLs, businesses can build stronger relationships, increase customer satisfaction, and encourage brand loyalty.

Comparison of PQL with MQL and SQL

While MQL and SQL remain important lead categories, PQLs offer a unique advantage. 

MQLs are often based on broader marketing criteria and may include leads who haven’t engaged with the product directly. 

SQLs, on the other hand, require thorough qualification by the sales team before advancing in the sales process. 

PQLs, with their product usage and behavioral indicators, bridge this gap. 

They represent prospects who have already demonstrated product interest and have a higher likelihood of converting into successful customers.

By incorporating PQLs into the lead management process, businesses can identify and prioritize leads that are more likely to result in revenue generation.

Focusing on PQLs brings immense value to businesses. The higher conversion rates, improved alignment between teams, enhanced customer experience, and the ability to focus resources on the most promising leads are all instrumental in driving growth and revenue.

Next, we will delve into the strategies and best practices for effectively identifying and nurturing PQLs, ensuring maximum benefit from their potential.

Implementing Product Qualified Lead Strategies

Implementing Product Qualified Lead Strategies

Identifying and nurturing Product Qualified Leads (PQLs) requires a targeted approach that aligns marketing, sales, and product teams.

By implementing effective strategies, businesses can capitalize on the value of PQLs and maximize their potential for conversion.

Let’s explore the key steps involved in implementing successful PQL strategies.

1. Identifying PQLs

To identify PQLs, businesses must define specific behaviors and actions that indicate a strong product interest and engagement. Some common indicators include:

  • Extensive product usage: Monitor the frequency and duration of product sessions to identify users who actively engage with the product.
  • Feature adoption: Analyze which features or functionalities are being utilized by leads, as this demonstrates their investment in exploring the product’s capabilities.
  • Support engagement: Keep track of leads who frequently access support materials, knowledge bases, or seek assistance, as they may exhibit a deeper level of product interest.
  • Usage thresholds: Set specific usage thresholds that, when reached, indicate a lead’s readiness to be classified as a PQL.

2. Nurturing PQLs

Once identified, PQLs should be nurtured with personalized and tailored experiences. This can be achieved by:

  • Onboarding experiences: Design a seamless onboarding process that guides PQLs to derive maximum value from the product. Provide targeted tutorials, walkthroughs, and resources to help them achieve their goals.
  • Tailored communication: Leverage data gathered from PQL interactions to personalize communication. Send targeted emails, product updates, or notifications that address their specific needs and challenges.
  • Product-focused content: Create content that educates and empowers PQLs, highlighting the unique value proposition of the product. This can include case studies, success stories, and best practice guides.
  • Proactive support: Anticipate potential roadblocks or questions that PQLs might encounter and provide proactive support. Promptly address their inquiries, offer assistance, and ensure a smooth user experience.

3. Collaboration between Marketing, Sales, and Product Teams

Successful PQL strategies rely on effective collaboration between different teams within the organization. Here’s how all three teams should work together.

  • Define PQL criteria collaboratively: Marketing, sales, and product teams should collectively determine the specific behaviors and actions that qualify a lead as a PQL. This alignment ensures a shared understanding and consistent qualification standards.
  • Establish communication channels: Implement regular meetings or check-ins to share insights and feedback between teams. This communication facilitates a seamless handoff from marketing to sales and enables product teams to refine the product based on user feedback.
  • Feedback loops: Encourage the sales and support teams to provide feedback on PQLs. This information can help refine the qualification criteria, improve lead scoring, and enhance the overall lead management process.


As a business, harnessing the power of PQL strategies can unlock immense growth opportunities. By aligning marketing, sales, and product teams, you can implement targeted approaches that prioritize product engagement, personalized nurturing, and seamless user experiences.

Key Takeaways:

  1. PQLs bridge the gap between marketing and sales by focusing on product engagement and user behavior as indicators of lead qualification.
  2. PQLs demonstrate a high level of product interest and are more likely to convert into paying customers.
  3. Implementing PQL strategies involves identifying PQL indicators, nurturing PQLs with personalized experiences, and fostering collaboration between marketing, sales, and product teams.
  4. Effective PQL strategies can optimize lead management, shorten sales cycles, and improve overall customer satisfaction.

By embracing the power of PQLs and adopting a customer-centric approach, you can unlock new opportunities, maximize your marketing and sales efforts, and propel your business to new heights of success. Start implementing PQL strategies today and witness the transformative impact on your business growth.

Taher Batterywala
Taher Batterywala
Taher Batterywala is an SEO Specialist and Content Marketer. With over 7+ years of B2B marketing experience and a diversified skill set, he helps craft winning strategies and execute end-to-end campaigns for B2B and SaaS companies to achieve scalable organic growth. Outside of work, he enjoys watching movies, photography, and dabbling in design.